
VšĮ Myliu Mišką

With your support we have already planted 12 687 trees!

First VsĮ Myliu miska trees have been planted!

12 687 - that's how many trees we have planted this spring!

Although we have started only in February, both people and companies contributed to VšĮ Myliu mišką. Results of the planting this spring.

5000 trees

Credit info
2 500 trees

476 trees were planted with a support we have received from private people.

Thank you for supporting us during our first steps!

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You can also plant Your tree!

Your support will be used to implement the objectives of Public Enterprise Myliu mišką - to increase the forest area in Lithuania. The calculator provides indicative information about the possibilities of using your support. The price of one tree is 3 EUR.

Would neutralize 0.2 t CO₂

tree icon


That's how many trees we will plant with your support

weight icon


Tons of CO₂ will be neutralized
