
About Public Institution Myliu mišką

Public Institution Myliu mišką (I love forest)

Public Institution Myliu mišką is a non-profit organization, whose main goal is to extend the Lithuanian forest area and decrease the amount of CO₂ in the atmosphere. We're trying to help companies and individuals voluntarily neutralize their CO₂ footprint by planting new trees. The founders of Public Institution Myliu mišką have a lot of experience and expertise in forestry. For CO₂ calculations we rely on special calculators, audited by international companies, scientists, and experts of this field. Methodically proven calculations and experience in planting forests help us seek this goal transparently and with confidence.

What is the vision of Public Institution Myliu mišką?

By 2030 plant 30 million trees in Lithuania.
• To become a reliable platform and partner for individuals and companies, who would like to support us and contribute to neutralizing CO₂ emissions, by planting trees and forests.

We've already planted

What are the areas of our work?

• By planting new forests to help Lithuania to achieve United Nations Sustainable Development, EU Green Deal, Forest strategy goals and EU Biodiversity Strategy for 2030 - planting at least 3 billion more trees.
• Contribute to reducing climate change by increasing CO₂ absorption potential, as well as the development of economical, ecological, and social aspects, related to planting forests.
• Creating an opportunity for companies, organizations, individuals, governmental, and municipal institutions to contribute to planting forests.
• Promoting scientific research and providing methodical advice on planting and maintaining forests.

We strive for

creating mechanism, which would


Provide reliable and transparently calculated confirmation about voluntary contribution to enlarging forest areas and CO₂ absorption for companies, families, individuals, governmental, and municipal institutions.


Ensure more opportunities for governmental and individual landlords to plant new forests in order to increase Lithuanian forest area.


Do not to plant forests in areas which are more appropriate for farming.

Contribute to green infrastructure and preserve as well as increase the biodiversity.

Make sure that future generations would live in a cleaner environment with minimal amount of CO₂ in the air.

Contribute to economic activities and create new workplaces.

Create an opportunity for companies, families, and individuals to contribute to planting forests even if they do not have their own land while promoting social responsibility at the same time.

Motivate companies and organizations to voluntarily contribute to increasing the country's forest area while mitigating negative impacts on the environment and society.

To the top

You can also plant Your tree!

Your support will be used to implement the objectives of Public Enterprise Myliu mišką - to increase the forest area in Lithuania. The calculator provides indicative information about the possibilities of using your support. The price of one tree is 3 EUR.

Would neutralize 0.2 t CO₂

tree icon


That's how many trees we will plant with your support

weight icon


Tons of CO₂ will be neutralized
