
VšĮ Myliu Mišką

Annual activity report 2022

A message from the founders

The idea of Public Institution Myliu mišką was born 3 years ago. Lithuania is rich in forests but the country's forested area could be even bigger.

In the spring of 2021, together with environmental protection specialists and forestry experts, we started calculating the CO2 absorption in Lithuanian forests. We can confidently say that we are the only ones in Lithuania with a methodology and know how much CO2 in the air is absorbed by a hectare of Lithuanian forest.

A year ago, we started with the myliumiska.lt website, we attracted residents and companies to offset their footprint, and our first tree-planting event took place in April. Why are we doing this? Because we understand that only by educating, telling and setting an example we can achieve our big goal - to plant 30 million trees by 2030.


  •  By 2030 plant 30 million trees in Lithuania.
  • To become a reliable platform and partner for individuals and companies, who would like to support us and contribute to neutralizing CO₂ emissions, by planting trees and forests.

Areas of our work

  • By planting new forests to help Lithuania to achieve United Nations Sustainable Development, EU Green Deal, Forest strategy goals and EU Biodiversity Strategy for 2030 - planting at least 3 billion more trees.
  • Contribute to reducing climate change by increasing CO₂ absorption potential, as well as the development of economical, ecological, and social aspects, related to planting forests.
  • Creating an opportunity for companies, organizations, individuals, governmental, and municipal institutions to contribute to planting forests.
  •  Promoting scientific research and providing methodical advice on planting and maintaining forests.

2022 Year in review

In 2022, we launched our website www.myliumiska.lt where every single individual and legal entity can support our organisation. In this way, companies and individuals are encouraged to calculate and neutralize the amount of CO2 generated by their activities. By providing support individuals automatically receive a certificate created by us for the number of trees that will be planted in the next 12 months.

Although 2022 is the first active year of the organisation, the team's expectations have been exceeded and the long-term goal of 30 million trees planted by 2030 looks even more achievable.

Highlights of the projects

Project with Tauragė District Municipality

In August 2022, together with the Tauragė District Municipality,we announced the campaign "Exchange a cup of coffee for a tree", during which we invited residents of the district, companies and organizations to contribute to the largest forest planting event in Tauragė district in Skaudvilė.

Companies and residents provided support for the planting of 7,647 trees throughout the campaign. During the forest planting event Skaudvilė community and the Tauragė district community planted 1 500 trees. The rest was planted by contractors of the VšĮ Myliu mišką.

Project with Vilnius city municipality

In cooperation with the Vilnius city municipality this year we planted 16,815 trees in the territory of Vilnius thanks to the support of individuals and companies!

Vilnius city municipality allocated 5.64 hectares of land for tree planting. In these areas, trees planting event took place not only with business representatives, but also with the second-graders of the Vilnius Ąžuolyno Secondary School.



Project with Molėtai District Municipality

In October in Molėtai, together with Vaidotas Žala - Teltonika Racing, the Teltonika team, Molėtai District Municipality and the volunteers, we were a part of another forestry event - together we planted a park of 1000 trees! This park will become a recreational area for the people of the city where they can enjoy the green vegetation.


Other activities

  • We established cooperation with the Foundation for peatland restoration and conservation and other national institutions interested in the implementation of a carbon credit standard for the restoration and improvement of damaged peatlands and forests (LULUCF sector) in Lithuania.
  • At the end of 2022, we became members of Sutainable Business Association of Lithuania (LAVA). LAVA is a national association of responsible and sustainable business which brings together companies and organisations committed to implementing and following the principles of sustainable development. Lietuvos atsakingo verslo asociacijos (LAVA) nariais. LAVA – nacionalinė atsakingo ir tvaraus verslo asociacija, jungianti įmones ir organizacijas, siekiančias diegti ir vadovautis darnaus vystymosi principais.
  • We educated schools, kindergartens and company employees about the benefits of forests for the environment and people.
  • Public Institution Myliu mišką won the public tender announced by the Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania and started the work of the winning study, which will last 12 months. The aim of the study is to develop recommendations for forest owners and managers regarding the possibilities of promoting carbon storage. We hope that in this way we will be able to contribute to public education on carbon storage in forests. 

Our biggest supporters

2500 TREES
1076 TREES
2500 TREES

Our best friend

This year, the largest support to organisation Myliu mišką was made by a company Baldai1. By organizing initiatives such as "1 order = 1 tree" and "Give nature a Christmas present", they provided support for 9,613 trees on behalf of their customers.

The company's representatives also participated in tree planting events in the spring and autumn in Karoliniškės and Baltupiai districts, thus contributing to a greener Lithuania.


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You can also plant Your tree!

Your support will be used to implement the objectives of Public Enterprise Myliu mišką - to increase the forest area in Lithuania. The calculator provides indicative information about the possibilities of using your support. The price of one tree is 3 EUR.

Would neutralize 0.2 t CO₂

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That's how many trees we will plant with your support

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Tons of CO₂ will be neutralized
