
Frequently asked questions

What is Public institution Myliu mišką?

Public institution Myliu mišką (I Love Forest) is a non-profit organization, whose main goal is to extend the Lithuanian forest area and decrease CO₂ footprint. We're trying to help companies and individuals voluntarily neutralize their CO₂ footprint by planting new trees and forests, as well as maintaining them.2 We're trying to help companies and individuals voluntarily neutralize their CO₂ footprint2 by planting new trees and forests, as well as maintaining them.

Why you should trust Public Institution Myliu mišką?

The founders of Public Institution Myliu mišką have a lot of experience and expertise in forestry. For CO₂2 calculations we rely on special calculators, audited by international companies, scientists, and experts of this field. Methodically proven calculations and experience in planting forests help us seek this goal transparently and with confidence.

Who can support Public Institution Myliu mišką?
  • Individuals and households
  • Companies, organizations
  • Private and governmental landowners
  • Anyone who cares about sustainability and a green future.
Where will trees be planted?

Trees will be planted in public and governmental areas, unusable, abandoned land where there hasn't been forest before and whose owners agree on planting a new forest.

Who will be planting the trees?

VšĮ Myliu miškas uses reliable partners and contractors with many years of experience in afforestation and long-term maintenance. Currently our contractor is UAB SKOGRAN. If you want to become our contractor, contact us by e-mail info @ myliumiska.lt

What kind of trees will be planted?

Native Lithuanian tree species are chosen according to legislation requirements, project decisions, location, soil, biodiversity ensurance, and other conditions. In pursuance of high CO₂ absorption in the future, we're planning to plant as many as possible coniferous trees: spruces and pines.

Who will be maintaining the trees?

The partners and contractors selected by Myliu Forest undertake not only to plant, but also to perform the necessary long-term maintenance of the newly established forest for 8 years. Currently our contractor is UAB SKOGRAN. If you want to become our contractor, contact us by e-mail info @ myliumiska.lt

Who will own the new forest?

The owner of the land where the new forest was planted will not change. After the area becomes a forest its safety is guaranteed by Lithuanian legislation rules.

Why indicative price of one tree is 3 eur?

Indicative price of a tree includes the cost of seedling, planting, maintaining and administration fees.

When will my trees be planted?

During the next 12 months after the donation was given, depending on current season.

Can I join and plant trees myself?

Of course. Joining opportunities and conditions are treated individually.

Can I support by donating in someone else's name?

Donation under your or another name will become a public gift for Lithuania and future generations!

Can I donate recurrently?

Yes, you can support us via Contribee platform https://contribee.com/vsi-myliu-miska

Plant trees

(or gift trees)

Neutralize CO₂

by planting forests

Are you a landowner?

Turn it into a forest!

To the top

You can also plant Your tree!

Your support will be used to implement the objectives of Public Enterprise Myliu mišką - to increase the forest area in Lithuania. The calculator provides indicative information about the possibilities of using your support. The price of one tree is 3 EUR.

Would neutralize 0.2 t CO₂

tree icon


That's how many trees we will plant with your support

weight icon


Tons of CO₂ will be neutralized
